Level 3: Studio

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X Late Studio.jpeg

Level 3: Studio


Current Dates: January 5 - March 9, 2025 (No classes on 1/26 or 2/23 2025)

Tuition: $300.00 + tax

Meets: In 30-60 minute Filming Slots through2pm-9pm Sundays

Length: 8 weeks

Instructors: Lon Bumgarner & Marilyn Carter

Class Summary: This class is an ongoing scene study workshop that focuses on the continued use of authentic acting techniques learned in earlier classes. Comprised of individual coaching by Lon Bumgarner and Marilyn Carter according to the actor's level and challenges in the moment. You and a scene partner of your choice will pick scene(s) or monologues that you would like to work on that week, rehearse and perform in front of live cameras and your classmate audience. You can choose material from any play, movie or television on your own or dive into our massive online re

Important Class Policies:

  • By invitation only – Students must have completed Subtext and Technique classes as prerequisite or be approved by the Studio instructors.

  • All students MUST be registered/have had active communication with the Studio Manager prior to the start of the course.

  • No drop-ins/single classes or refunds/credits for classes missed by a student.

Click to see the Calendar for all class dates, the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information or to Email the Studio Manager.

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